Thursday, June 20, 2013


"You are the Elect Sons and Daughters of God"

One of the Senior couples, Elder Cropper said we are the very best of the best and the elect of God today at transfer meeting.
Just a few moments again my mission split into two missions. My emotions were on a rollercoaster. I wish I could explain, but I simple can't. I will NEVER forget that transfer meeting, the things said, the emotions felt, and the love expressed. My heart was full. My spirit happy and sad. My eyes full of tears. My mind had racing memories. My legs I always do. My hands ready to write any revelation down. The LOVE that I felt from President Hall is the love I hope to gain. I look up to him very much. He is a great example.
We went to the temple last wed and it was sooooo amazing. One because it was the only day last week where I had no symptoms of being sick. Why?? Because God is so merciful and heard my pleading prayers. I'm still sick by the way.
Okay so something that impacted me the most from the temple was simply this : God expects us to be faithful, not perfect.
Ponder that. I wish I could write all that I felt and learned at the temple, but I can't. I have the assurance that I'm doing the right thing at the right time in my life and that God has had this planned since the premortal existance.
Pride denies us blessings.
We all need to go through our own Gethsemane.
Powerful is the mercy of God, don't miss it!
The what informs the why transforms.
Application is key if willing to change.
Repentace is the only way to change.
The creations of the 50 new missions is a sign of the hastening of the work.
I know how to get to where I want to go.
The mountains I'll climb spiritually and emotionally/mentally will help me become like Christ.
God doesn't expect me to become a "celestial being" all of the sudden. I learn line upon line and precept upon precept for a reason.
Oh It's my 17 month mark...Hna Zepeda reminded me. uhhhhhh.
NEWS about the missions:
Today we had 45 new missionaries come into our mission! 16 visa waiters.
29 will actually stay with all the changes.
Next transfer, I will be 1 of 8 missionaries returning home. That same day, we'll have 50 missionaries coming into the field.
After today we will have about 150 missionaries in this mission. About 75+ went to the NEw Bakersfield mission today.
Between new and sept 10th we will have about 100 new missionaries enting the field, of which 50% of those missionaries will have been in the mission for 12 weeks or less.
Our mission created 2 more zones.
I am still a Sister Training Leader and will have more sister now...not sure yet about everything we'll learn more this week. We were at we'll see what happens! Hna Redondo, my first trainee is now a sister training leader too in a different zone!
Hna Sanders and Higley are companions!!
There were 3 companionships today that have been in the field 6 weeks, and are now together...who's their trainer? President said the spirit, but that he feels so peaceful about all the changes that God needed transfers to go this way.
Saying goodbye to so many people was really hard. I won't go there.
This is a unique time, which calls for unique changes. I am part of it. What a blessing.
D&C 6:36
Okay well all I have to say is....AHHHHHHHHHH!!! This is soo exciting I'm going to be so tired and it'll feel so good. please pray for me and my investigators and all the missionaries...well and everybody!!
I love you all!!
Love, hna Arguello
Photos: my district.



Alright, so me and hna Vila have been asked to take out the new missionaries that came in today from I don't have timte tow rite today, but we scheduled time tomorrow after TRANSFER MEETING!!!!!!
AHHHHHH guess what? I have 6 weeks left to shine, be cut down, be hit by trials, and become who God needs me to be! awesome.
I'm staying here in North hollywood 5to with Hna Vila!!
So much to tell but I'll tell you tomorrow!
I love you all!
Hna Arguello


I hear and I forget. I feel and I remember

Buenas tardes!!!!
Well, well, well, parents, I hope your empty nesters dinner goes great, which I know it will!!! Too bad I can't be there....wait that would defeat the point huh? haha! Okay well I love all of you so much.
Something I've been thinking about how how much a person can change as they focus on everyone else BUT themselves. I've changed so much these last 6 weeks. I know that as we apply more fully the atonement of Christ, He allows us to be healed in ways we didn't know were possible. I know that God loves me and all of us with an infinite love.
As I taught this week, I though about how the only person that can go down into a hole someone is in spiritaully and emotionally, is Christ. I'll never comprehend the atonement, or understand it, but now I understand when missionaries always come home and say they became so close to Christ on their missions. I don't want to forget. I know that it is only through humility that we can access His grace to more fully use his atonement. We never forget what we feel, or what has been felt.
Random note. I love seeing a large group of missionaries bown their heads before a prayers starts. I feel so much pwoer from it. I know it's al ittle things, but it's amazing.
We had our mission leadership council on wed for all the zone leaders and sister training leaders, and it was amazing!!! I felt so blessed to be there. I love president Hall so much. He is a great leader and so humble and willing to do what God needs him to do. The spilt in the mission will happen next week with transfers. He broke down and weeped as he thought about having to say good bye to half the missionaries. To feel that love he has for us was so powerful I don't think there was anyone there without a tear in their eye. Who knows what will happen. It's such an exciting time in missionary work I love it! With this missionary split, I know that we will reach our goal of 1,000 conversions by the end of the year. WE are an amry working really hard to show the people the pathway to get home. I have that knowldege and I want to show the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!! The best way is by example, so here we go!!!
I don't have a lot of time, but guess what!??!?!?! We get to go to the temple on WED!!!!!!!! I'm super happy about that. It helps put my head on straight again.
Here are a few workds from President's email I wanted to share about the temple that I liked.
Let me share a few thoughts of President Boyd K. Packer to help you prepare and receive the greatest benefit from your time at the temple this week.

Seek for Revelation. “A testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a witness that the Book of Mormon is true, comes in a delicate, refined spiritual communication. It is described in the scriptures as light (D&C 88:11, 67), as burning in the bosom. It is best described as a feeling. (1 Ne. 17:45.) Ordinarily a testimony comes when we seek for it with a sincere heart and real intent. (Moro. 10:4.) “If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” (D&C 42:61.) No message appears in scripture more times, in more ways than, “Ask, and ye shall receive.” (Matt. 21:22; James 4:3; 1 Jn. 3:22; 1 Ne. 15:11; Enos 1:15; Mosiah 4:21; D&C 4:7; and Moses 6:52are examples.) While we may invite this communication, it can never be forced! If we try to force it, we may be deceived.” (Boyd K. Packer, “Reverence Invites Revelation,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 21–23)

Take time in the temple to have your testimony strengthened by revelation. Come in a spirit of prayer and ask the Lord for answers to the questions of your heart. Ask Heavenly Father for guidance on how to be a more exceptional missionary, how to love to find, and how to teach for conversion. Ask Him how you can love the people more.

Reverence Invites Revelation. In the same talk, President Packer taught, “Reverence invites revelation.” He continued, “Inspiration comes more easily in peaceful settings. Such words as quiet, still, peaceable, Comforter abound in the scriptures: “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:10; italics added.) And the promise, “You shall receive my Spirit, the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which shall teach you the peaceable things of the kingdom.” (D&C 36:2).”

During your time at the temple this week, both inside the temple and on the temple grounds, I would encourage you to practice great reverence. We are representatives of Jesus Christ and as such, He expects us to represent Him at all times. Please plan to arrive early and not be rushed. Speak softly and keep you talk centered on appropriate topics. If you greet someone with a hug, especially if you are in the Celestial Room, please do it in a reverent manner that does not make any noise. Once we have finished in the temple, please proceed back to your areas in a timely, reverent manner so that you can maintain the feelings of the temple with you as long as possible.

Do Not Disturb the Revelation of Others. On a different occasion, President Packer spoke the power of prelude music and personal revelation. He said, “Do not ever disturb prelude music for others, for reverence is essential to revelation.” (Boyd K. Packer, “Personal Revelation: The Gift, The Test, The Promise” Ensign, Nov. 1994)

I would also suggest that we be very careful not to disturb the processes of revelation of others as we are in the temple or on the temple grounds. Be sensitive to your fellow missionaries who may be seeking important personal revelation during this time at the temple and do nothing that would disturb or intrude on their efforts to hear the Lord’s will."
I wish you all a happy week!!
hna Arguello

Thursday, June 6, 2013


He is a "RIGHT TIME" God.

Did you miss me?? I'm sorry I didn't have time for email last week we've been so busy. But I'll going to send a lot of photos this week just because they are neater than words sometimes....well that's what I think.
My whole life flipped upside down last week, but through acceptance, humilitly, and the Love of God, He helped me to understand He has more plans for me than I expected. I've figured it out with the help of angels sent from both sides of the viel.
This week we have the VERY  first Mission Leadership Council in the California San Fernando mission where we, as Sister training leaders will be giving sewardships over what has been happing in our new calling. It's going to be AWESOME!!!!!! It will be President Hall, the 4 assistants, and all the zone leaders...oh and the  6 sister training leaders of course :-) We are stoked!! We have gone where no zone leader could go to help the hermanas...the sisters, and it's awesome. President is so happy and it's humbling.
I know that everything I believe is true. I know that the way I act reflects how I feel about Christ, as do all of our actions. I know that if we live the gospel our lives will change consistantly for the better.
They will be broadcasting on the 23rd of June at 4pm mt time "The Work of Salvation" it is a mission presidents seminar. YOU ALL NEED TO WATCH IT! it will change your live.
Okay quick! The pictures are of some of the exchanges. The papers is the thing that impacted us most from the exchange.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Please pray for me and all the people here!
Thank you for your support!
Love always, Hna Arguello

• The bread and water was something we left at my old bishops door so he could "share the bread of life and the living waters" hahaha :-) sweet huh?

• Feel like your there? The weird awkward face of us three is because sometimes men open their doors only in their undies and it's awkward!

Friday, May 31, 2013


God Chastens Those He Loves.

Well this is going to be a shorter one, but just know that I lovvvvvved this week! It was su eventful and Hna Vila and I are taking our calling to a great level. God is helping up and continues to prepare us with each thing we need to do here in the mission with the 18 sisters we are over. They are AMAZING. WE seriously have the greatest sister missionaries, pues missionare in general :-) I love them all so much.
Soemthing that I have been learing on the exchanges we have had is that God puts us in places or have us do things that might seem forgien to us at the beginning, but as we trust him and pray that he brings to us what we need, He does. God loves us so He gives us trials. The greatest lesson learned this transfer thus far is that Faith and trust in God fix everything. It's true. Believe it. I know that there are so many things that we as missionaries do well, but when God is leading that way, we do it so much better.
 I love this scripture Psalms 40:1, 4
"I awaited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry."
" Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust"
That was just a thought.
Another, "I'm a convert." We should all be able to say that, and if we can't, we need to work to be able to say that because it will completly change our lives. As we live our testimonies, we become even more converted.We face trials with faith and trust in God, and we are willing to accept whatever is put in our path. It's a process. That is why we should want to be learner for life, so that we can continue to progress. Thinking about it now, the day we stand in front of God to be judged, the only thing we will have are our testimonies, and knowledge.  I still have a ton to learn, but because of my mission, my life is on a whole different path and I couldn't be happier.
We need to Enjoy and endure to the end :-) Life is worth living well don'tcha think?
I love you all!!! Pray for all the missionaries coming out...our whole mission will be training! There are already missionaries double training!!
Hna Arguello
fotos: exchanges with Hna Clifton and hna Whetten!


I've been transfered.

I am now in North Hollywood 5th. I have been called to be a Sister Training Leader, which is Historic!!! This is the first time the Missionary department will be implementing this leadership position for sister missionaries. Before the only leadership was being a trainer. President has called me and my new companion, Hna Vila, to open a new area on car, and be sister training leaders over 18 sisters here in the valley. I think President said we have the largest stewardship and have to conduct exchanges with all of them. We are packing them all in so we have 9 exchanges that will take place. We are planning, planning, planning!! This week we will be implementing all our plans!! YAY!! We are supser excited because God called us to this position and that must mean that He knows somehting that i don't! haha
Okay so I got to call home yesterday yay!!! But now this will be short. I am so happy to be able to have this calling and I know this transfer IS going to refine me. Trust me, so here we go!!! Actually it's already started!
OHHH President also said, "There is no male equivalent to a visiting teacher it is that important." NEAT huh?!?!
Please pray for me and share the gospel!
All my love!
Hna Arguello
P.s. Please send all packages to the office...but my new address is:
6924 Woodman Ave. #203
Van Nuys, CA 91405


A New Era in the Church of Christ

ADVICE: Don't yawn, or smile when riding a bike, it's a great landing place for bugs. Also, when your skirt gets stuck in the tire of your bike, make sure you have a sewing kit. 
Alright so as I write this I am very wet. It rained all night and is still raining. Haha can't you just see me now riding my Pixie in the rain getting spalshed by cars and getting hit in the face by big drops of water. Haha my face is like all awkward looking and wet. It's sooo much fun, and funny! Honestly, people HAVE to think we are crazy. Our maintaince man from our complex was like "NO! Don't go out! it's not fair" hahaha it was funny. Nothing stops us. Anyway it's been a blast on my bike pixie. She's done me good....
Now for the news. I have to say goodbye to pixie...and HELLO to CAR!!!!! hahaha we have transfers tomorrow and all I know is that I am getting transfered :( Sad day.It's always hard leaving. I don't like packing either haha but that doesn't even matter. Hna Sanders doesn't have her visa yet, but President must have gotten revelation that they are going to leav soon. Two companions are coming in to be companions with her. haha can't you just see it now, 3 bikers in skirts biking down the street...and one getting caught by the red light. Haha crazy huh? She is going to be in a trio. Hna Zepeda is telling the whole ward that it takes at least 2 sister missionaries to replace me. ha. Well all 3 peru visa waiters will now by in trios as of they must be leaving soon. All I know is I'm going to car and graduating again. I thought I'd never go back in a car. So it's weird. I'm having a paradigm shift. I wanted to continue on bike, but I know that God needs me in a new area on car, it's for a great purpose right? :-) That's all I know, I'm leaving North Hollywood.
As I was studying this really impacted me:
Enos 1:12
12 And it came to pass that after I had aprayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: I will grant unto thee according to thy bdesires, because of thy faith.
I LOVE THIS! Don't you? I don't know why you would'nt. :-) So I've been praying...being diligent...and have great desires and faith, so I know God according to His will, will grant unto me what I need.
In a 10 second contact in our complex elevator, this made wrote his number down on my planner and said we could teach him. He didn't live in our area, so we sent the referal in. The next morning, he was updated to "teaching." From a 10 second elevator ride, this man now has the opportunity to CHOOSE accordning to the knowledge he will gain. It is a miracle. God knows who is prepared. It was a tender MIRACLE.
Just a thought. We are commanded to follow the prophet. Moses was a prophet. Had the people not followed him, they would have still been in captivity. So if I follow President Monson, I will not be in captivity, but have liberty.
We have been working with a member we found knocking doors that hasn't been to church in about 6 years. He got baptized about 7 or 8 years ago. In this 5 weeks, we worked with him each week. At the beginning he said very firmly NO to going to church. The miracle is that yesterday he went to church and called us his angeles because of how happy he was. He told us, "You've done your job." It is amazing to feel the pleasant peace that comes from the Spirit telling you that God is happy with you. I'll send a picture. He's awesome and even wore a suit!!! :-)
Okay wel lI love you!!! take care. And I'll talk to you on Sunday for mothers day!!! I haven't decided if we'll skype of just call.
Hna Arguello